|  | Ioana Evgenieva Ianeva loves travel, flowers, her Bailey, Brandy and all the natural beauty on this earth. Ioana was born in Pernik, Bulgaria where she was raised surrounded by her beloved mother, grandparents, uncle, aunt, Juleto & Gogo until she was 15. After a short adventure in Yemen of reuniting with her mom and meeting her stepfather they moved to Arlington, Texas where she finished high-school and earned a Master degree in Biomedical Engineering from UTA. After graduation, Ioana pursued a career at Alcon Laboratories where she is happily employed until today. She is a proud owner of a beautiful home in Arlington that we plan to make our home. All a part of her plan to conquer the world. |  | Randall Keith Gabel was born in Waco, TX and raised in the small country town of Athens, TX. He had lots of siblings growing up and lots of mischevious stories to share. After finishing high school, Randy moved to Arlington to go to college and also met Ioana. He later owned a home in Fort Worth. Randy loves anything computer related, crossfit, travel and their dogs Brandy & Bailey. He is pursuing a degree in Network Security and works for Fidelity Investments. All a part of his plan to conquer the world. |  | I had just started adjusting to my new life in America and working after school to earn money for a ticket to spend my summer breaks in Bulgaria. What a better place than Boston Market, I thought: a chance to practice my English and always something good to eat! I enjoyed speaking with customers because if I mispronounced something then it was not a big embarassment because I didn't know them. One fine day, Randy walked in to eat lunch and I forgot all of my English I had been learning all this time! I had just seen the movie Legends of the Fall and I thought this may as well be Brad Pitt. He was very polite and smiled at me with his eyes and that's all I could remember the rest of that day. I didn't see him for some time but I was curious if the movie star look alike would ever come back. And he did! Later in the day, I heard a familiar voice through the speaker of the drive thru order a drink and when the car pulled to the window it was him! Randy asked me for a straw and my phone number. I was smiling so big when I saw the twinkle in his eyes. This sparkle has remained in Randy's eyes to this day as a reminder of the day we first met. And the rest is history... |  | A love story of the ages!
It all started back in the year 1996 in Arlington. Ioana worked at Boston Market and I worked at Vandergriff Chevrolet. I would frequent Boston Market often for lunch where one day, Ioana caught my eyes and soon to be heart. It wasn't long before I would go to Boston Market daily to get a glimpse of that Exotic Brown-Eyed Beauty. After several months of quietly stalking Ioana at Boston Market, I mustered up the nerves to ask her for her number. Couldn't bring myself to do it at lunch so I came back through the drive through hoping she was there. My Lucky Day as Ioana was there in the window taking my order (I was full from lunch an hour before) but this was my chance. I asked for her number and we both smiled from ear to ear. Granted, I smiled for the rest of that day anticipating the best time to call and to hear her voice. Now that we are becoming One, I can let her know that I still smile from ear to ear when I hear her wonderful voice. |